
I am thankful

I am thankful for all the rescuers and shelter staff who refuse to reach for the needle, but instead reach for baby bottles to feed the orphans, medicines to heal the sick, cameras to photograph animals for adoption. 

I am thankful for all the No Kill advocates with a deep and abiding love for animals and a “can do” attitude; people who refuse to follow self-proclaimed leaders when the path they advocate leads to the landfill and who have dedicated themselves, in ways great and small, to helping bring it to an end. 

I am thankful for all the people who keep leashes in their cars for wayward dogs, who feed neighborhood cats, who never pass up an opportunity to help an animal in need. 

I am thankful for people like YOU. Together, not only will we save lives; but we will create a future where every animal will be respected and cherished, and where every individual life will be protected and revered.

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