
From No Kill Coalition

Via: Kathy A Dottery
This is one of the saddest days I have ever had..... The remaining approx 20 dogs at Safe Haven are in this ASPCA trailer being transported to places unknown?? I am afraid our worst fears may have been realized today. Rather than allow people to adopt, the ASPCA barred the doors, called the police and refused to answer our question?? Where are the dogs going???i don't know if you ever heard of SAFE HAVEN it was a no kill animal sanctuary in Delaware well they had to close their doors behind misuse of donations.well today people went there to pick up the last dogs and were threaten with arrest if they did not leave after being told they could help these dogs .now to find out that the killed about 20 them stating they were unadoptable,but people had homes for these dogs.please if you could make people aware of what happened i would greatly appreciate it.

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